Compensation for an overloaded power grid

Compensation for an overloaded power grid

The Dutch power grid is overcrowded, which disadvantages individuals and businesses. Join the mass claim for fair access to electricity.

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Within 4 minutes

How does this affect you?

How does this affect you?

Discover how you are affected by power connection issues.

Expensive alternatives

Due to delayed connections, companies and individuals must use expensive alternatives.

Expensive alternatives

Due to delayed connections, companies and individuals must use expensive alternatives.


Long waiting times for electricity connections lead to project delays.


Long waiting times for electricity connections lead to project delays.

Economic damage

Delays lead to significant financial losses.

Economic damage

Delays lead to significant financial losses.

Temporary shelter elsewhere

Due to power delays, companies and individuals have to resort to expensive temporary locations.

Temporary shelter elsewhere

Due to power delays, companies and individuals have to resort to expensive temporary locations.

Discover how these issues affect you and why action is necessary.

Am I eligible?

Am I eligible?

See if you can join the claim


Delay in connection

If you as a company or individual have received a connection with a long delay (18+ weeks).


Denied connection


Rejected reinforcement


Delay in connection

If you as a company or individual have received a connection with a long delay (18+ weeks).


Denied connection


Rejected reinforcement


Delay in connection

If you as a company or individual have received a connection with a long delay (18+ weeks).


Denied connection


Rejected reinforcement

Why take action?

Why take action?

Fair power grid

Due to delays or denied connections, there is a difference between companies and individuals who do or do not have a connection.


The grid operators are required to provide the connections. It is important that this is enforced so that more is invested in the power grid.


If you or your company have incurred damage, a portion of this may possibly be compensated through a class action.

What now?



Sign up and we will assess whether there are enough registrations for a mass claim.


Start class action lawsuit

If there are enough registrations, the mass claim will start. We will negotiate on your behalf with the parties involved for a settlement or lawsuit.


Receive compensation

Upon success, you will receive financial compensation without any upfront costs. Only a percentage of the compensation is charged.

Free registration

Handled by experts

Within 4 minutes

Compensation for an overloaded power grid

Free registration

Handled by experts

Within 4 minutes

Compensation for an overloaded power grid

Our team consists of experienced professionals

  • Pieter Huitema

Pieter Huitema


  • Pieter Huitema

Pieter Huitema


  • Pieter Huitema

Pieter Huitema


Determined to support businesses and consumers in their fight for reliable access to the power grid.

We have extensive experience with complex legal procedures, including mass claims and energy law.